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At Legband & D’Onofrio we provide skilled and experienced mediation services to address issues related to divorce, separation, custody, support, equitable distribution, alimony, relocation, parenting time, prenuptial agreements, post-divorce issues and all family related matters. Our attorneys are not only trained in mediation but have mediated for over 20 years and are able to guide parties through the mediation process in an effort to resolve all outstanding issues in your case. Many cases will benefit from the process of mediation. Mediation typically involves a trained mediator who serves as a neutral.
The mediator addresses contested issues and facilitates settlement discussions. Parties in mediation can attend with their attorneys or without their attorneys present. Our firm is able to assist parties throughout the mediation process and attend the mediation sessions and settlement conferences or work as the neutral mediator in your case. Our years of experience enable us to understand and work with the complexities as well as nuances of your matter.
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